Gaone Moedi

It’s not Gaone’s first appearance at the altar with a word of testimony; in fact the church will recall him as just a young fifteen year old boy who was once struggling academically. Not until he joined the PPS program which instilled virtues of diligence and excellence in his academic journey. Both his JCE and BGCSE results were so admirable and he accrued it all to the tutelage and mentorship offered by Prophet Cedric to all PPS classes.

The young boy did so well, he finally made it through the gates of the University of Botswana to study for a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mathematics of Finance. The university environment was very different from what Gaone was used to; life was now fast paced and there were no longer any teachers to monitor and influence students’ lifestyles. Though he faced the temptation of freedom, he quickly admonished himself and chose the narrow route of obedience to the messages that he had received during his PPS tenure.

This choice of life came with its fair share of mockery as he was considered to be boring amongst his mates, attracting scornful labels such as pastor, old man etc However, this did not dampen Gaone’s spirit instead, he pressed on. From his second year onwards, he kept performing quite well, so much he graduated top of his class with a 4.5 GPA. Due to the worldwide pandemic and nationally imposed lockdowns, Gaone was unable to go for his industrial attachment but he quickly assumed a position of control and instead of blaming the nationwide scourge, he started arranging online networking interviews with successful industry players. This helped him to build a good rapport for himself.

Post obtaining his first class degree, Gaone applied to local top banks and in one of the application pools, he found that he was selected for further interview rounds. He continued to apply his faith and also prayed with the Living Water while focusing on what was before him and eventually, he received a very good offer of employment in a highly reputable bank. Even after taking up his new role, God continued to glorify himself by availing more job offers for Gaone, one was from a very reputable organization operating across Africa. This particular offer came as a result of one of the interviews he had hosted during the lockdown period.

When he looks back to a handful years when he was a poorly performing fifteen year old, his heart truly overflows with gratitude because this is nothing but Grace that has secured such a good job for him at just twenty-two years of age. “My countrymen, some even more qualified than I am are seated at home because of unemployment yet here I am, truly favored by God. These are but the fruits of obedience. Words are not enough to fully express my heart when I say Thank You Jesus!”


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