A searing pain had Ms Monicah Motlhose rushing to the local clinic where she was given pain killers. Ms Motlhose woke up with inability to walk and severe pains. Her family was devastated seeing the heart wrenching situation of their sibling.

Ms Motlhose was taken care of as though a young child as she could not walk nor do anything at all. She was bathed and aided in walking. She sought for help from a cultist who pricked her legs with needles and beat her legs with a certain rod which was said to reduce the pain and heal her. The only thing that this activity brought to her was agonizing pain and scars on her legs. The ordeal worsened to a point where Ms Motlhose crawled like a baby and the only way she moved around was by using a borrowed wheelchair.

Ms Motlhose’s sister invited her to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries where she pleaded for God’s attention towards her situation. The spirit of God located Ms Monica and revealed that, “there is a place you used to visit seeking for help; there is something they put on your waist (Moitlamo) and the next step for this woman is a wheel chair.” Ms Motlhose confirmed that she grew up in a cult where the practice was to put a thread around their waists for protection. Even with the thread around her waist, Ms Motlhose was afflicted with inability to walk. The ministration of the Living Water revived her legs and restored Ms Motlhose to her rightful position. She had a dream that a colorful lizard came out of her legs-which cemented her deliverance and now she walks freely all to the glory of God! Walking majestically, Ms Motlhose encouraged the people of God to listen to what God has to say about their lives and ignore the pain of the flesh.

Contact / Location

Contact info

+267 75 692 077
+267 75 692 088

+267 77 623 330

P.O. Box 44

Gathering Times

From 6:00pm

From 6:00am

Events / Calendar
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