“Now Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” [Hebrews 11:1]

According to the scripture, Faith is the assurance of what we hope for and certainty of what we do not see. But the question is, how do you become sure of what you are hoping for and certain of what you do not see? Ordinarily for one to be fully convinced of anything there must be proof but the scripture here contradicts this. How then do you get this assurance and certainty without proof or anything tangible on the ground? In a situation where you are sick, how do you become certain of healing when your body has not recovered yet? -This is where your life is hanging!

Take note, we become sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see only if our belief is based and grounded on the promises of God, I mean the word of God. For it is this very Word that the Lord said, “Heaven and earth may pass away but my Word shall never pass away.” [Matthew 24:35]. If your hope or belief is based on anything but the Word, it is bound to be fragile, meaning that it is circumstantial and conditional. It is for this reason that you will keep changing your hope; one moment you believe God for good health and the next day that assurance you had diminishes. However, the scripture says that faith is certainty, meaning that you are to be solid, firm and concrete in what you are hoping for.

This belief, assurance and certainty we are talking about should be natural- not forced at all! But do you know how it becomes natural? Well, it is the word of God that builds this nature within us. Every time you listen and obey the word of God, assurance is built in your heart that God’s promises shall come to pass. By the time an opportunity is set before you, faith comes naturally! Opposing this many of you today confess that you believe with your mouth, yet in your hearts you struggle to believe.- You live a life of contradiction. Today you confess and say, “I will get a job,” and soon after you doubt and question, “What of those who have been on the queue, unemployed for longer than I have been?”- This a good sign that you are not dominated by the Word; your belief is not standing on the promises of God.

Faith by the Word brings results yet faith by common sense disappoints. Good people, it is time we get rooted on the Word; looking intently into it with due diligence and love, employing the heart, soul and mind. Read it with a flame of affection; not only to fulfill your spiritual duty but to draw inspiration from the Holy Spirit and allowing Him to interpret the written Word into your life. Surely by the time you need that word the most, it shall be brought into remembrance. From here take, believe, live and execute the word and you will see wonders in Jesus’ name.


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+267 75 692 077
+267 75 692 088

+267 77 623 330

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From 6:00pm

From 6:00am

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